We've got A's for your Q's

What is Credit Repair?

Credit repair is the process of addressing any questionable negative items that could be hurting your credit profile. If the bureaus and your creditors can’t prove these items are fair, accurate and substantiated, they are required by law to remove them.  

Is Credit Repair legal?

Yes—you have a legitimate and legal right to a fair, accurate and substantiated credit report. Credit repair is simply the process of challenging and disputing questionable negative items on your report to ensure those three standards are met—fairness, accuracy and substantiation.

While there are many laws that apply to your credit, the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) are the two laws we leverage the most  

Can I repair my own credit?

Absolutely. You can contact the credit bureaus and your creditors to get any questionable negative items removed your credit reports. However, this process is time consuming and confusing. Working with a reputable credit repair company can help you remove these items from your reports quickly and efficiently

Is it worth paying for credit repair?

Think of credit repair like an investment. A little effort today could lead to thousands of dollars in savings tomorrow. We offer a variety of service levels to support every budget. Give us a call today and we’ll help you find the right service for your unique circumstance.  

How long does it take?

Unfortunately, there’s no way to predict in advance how long it will take to repair your credit, as every credit report is unique. That being said, last year alone, our clients saw millions of negative items removed from their reports, and typically stayed with us for six months. We have gotten results in as little as 45 days

Also, Legacy Credit Solutions offers a variety of service levels, and the strength and amount of credit repair increases with each upgrade. If you’re interested in a product with more credit repair baked in, give us a call.  

Does my location matter?

According to and CNNMoney, even a single negative item on your credit could cost you over 100 points.

Negative Item Credit Score Decrease

  • Late Payment up to 110 points
  • Debt Settlement up to 125 points
  • Foreclosure up to 160 points
  • Bankruptcy up to 240 points
  • Collectionup to 110 points
  • Hard Inquiryup to 15 points


When should I repair my credit?

Considering that our average client uses our services for six months, the sooner the better. Especially if you plan on purchasing a home or car within the next year, getting started today can save you a big headache tomorrow.  

Does paying my bills off restore my credit?

You might think so, but unfortunately it does not. When you pay an old debt, the negative credit item doesn’t disappear, but is typically listed as a paid delinquency, charge-off or collection. If your goal is to repair your credit, just paying off your debts won’t get you there. Repairing bad credit is a significant challenge for most consumers and we're here to help. Lexington Law has developed a four-step method for credit repair that has proven to be effective for hundreds of thousands of clients. Just give us a call to get started.